
Double Wall Corrugated Pipes

...an Ideal pipes for drainage and sewerage application

Unique features

  • Great flexibility – Being light in weight and elastic in nature, these pipes offer lot of flexibility while installation as they are adaptable to any type of contour patterns.
  • Excellent stiffness – Suitable to withstand heavy overload pressure (soil and traffic loads) and sustain various loads that they encounter during installation and in use.
  • Perfect hydraulic properties – Glass smooth inner surface having manning’s coefficient 0.009 – 0.010 (which remain constant without any deterioration during life expectancy) helps in rapid disposal of flowing waste. Such a smooth surface greatly reduces the possibility of blockages and maximizes the flow characteristics and therefore carrying capacity increases by 40% over concrete pipes.
  • Excellent chemical, corrosion and abrasion resistance properties – Being in plastics, these pipes are free from corrosion and offer excellent resistance to wide range of chemicals. These pipes have excellent abrasion resistance which gives an edge over metal and concrete pipes.
  • Watertight joints- Joints are 100% watertight and hence free from any infiltration, ex-filtration and root penetration. Due to this Feature, surroundings remain unaffected and possibility of soil or underground water pollution is eliminated.
  • Easy and quick installation- Due to longer lengths and lighter weight pipes, installation becomes very convenient and fast. These pipes are very easy to joint using slip-on techniques (Pipes are supplied either with integrally welded couplers or separate couplers). Unlike conventional concrete or metallic pipes, these pipes do not require any heavy handling equipment for installation due to their light weight property. These pipes can be easily laid in constrained areas thereby saving additional extraneous costs.
  • Maintenance free – Being free from scaling, encrustation and chemical re-activeness there is no need of any regular maintenance. Occasional flushing with water keeps the surface smooth and helps in enhancing the functionality.
  • Long life – Being free from corrosion, chemical reactiveness and excellent abrasion resistance these pipes can last over a century.
  • Cost effective – 60 to 70% weight saving in comparison to solid wall plastic pipes and 95% lighter than concrete pipes makes these pipes much cost effective.
  • Eco-friendly- Processing and reprocessing of these pipes does not have any adverse impact on the environment, watertight joints eliminates the possibility of soil and underground water pollution.
black pipe lines


Supreme Ultra plus DWC pipes can be used for varied applications as mentioned below: –

  • Underground drainage and sewer application
  • Disposal of industrial effluents
  • Storm water drainage
  • Rainwater harvesting and ground water recharge
  • Road/highway cross drainage
pipe line working area

These applications are very few and the PE DWC pipes are finding new usages almost regularly and adding further benefits to this superior technological marvel at a very fast pace.

Product Range

Supreme DWC pipes manufactured according to IS:16098 standards are offered from 75 to 800mm sizes in SN 4 and SN 8 stiffness class. These pipes are made available in plain end form as well as with integral sockets along with necessary fittings. Assembly jig required for the installation is also made available.

Dimension of DWC Pipes
Nominal size DN/ID series (mm)Approx ID (mm)Approx OD (mm)
Quality, Testings and Certifications

We are equipped to carry out all stringent tests required as per IS: 16098 and also ISO 21138 and EN 13476. This helps us to maintain superior quality and to ensure trouble free performance of our products. Some of the important tests for double wall corrugated polyethylene pipes are as given below: 

  • Ring Stiffness
  • Creep Ratio
  • Physical Properties
  • Water Tightness Test
  • Effect on Heating
  • Ring Flexibility
  • Oxidation Induction Time Test
  • Impact Test
  • Melt Flow Index Test
dwc work place with employee


dwc 3


75 to 800 mm

dwc 4

Bend 90°

100 to 300 mm

dwc 5

Bend 60°

150 to 250 mm

dwc 6

Bend 45°

100 to 300 mm

dwc 7

Bend 30°

150 to 250 mm

dwc 8

Bend 22.5°

150 to 250 mm

dwc 9

Bend 11.25°

150 to 250 mm

dwc t shape 10

Equal Tee

100 to 300 mm

dwc plus shape 11

Cross Tee

150 mm

dwc y shape 12

Single Y

100 & 150 mm

dwc 13


160 x 150 mm

dwc 14


315 x 300 mm

dwc 15

Adapter (PE)

110 x 100 mm

dwc 16

Adapter (PVC)

315 x 300 mm

dwc 17

Rubber Seal

75 to 800 mm

Jointing Procedure

Pipes up to 250mm as well as 500 and 800mm sizes are supplied plain ended with separate couplers whereas 300mm and 400mm sizes are supplied in both varieties i.e. with integral sockets as well as with separate couplers. Procedure for jointing these two types of pipes is given below: –

dwc 18

Joining Fixture

200 to 800 mm

Pipes with Integral Socket

  • Ensure that the pipe socket is free from
  • Fit EPDM rubber seal into the first corrugation of the plain ended Make sure that the seal is correctly placed and see that it is not twisted.
  • Align the socket end of pipe with non-socket end of the other
  • Clean and remove dirt, dust, water from the pipe ends and sockets.
  • Mount the fixture on plain end of pipe and on socketed end of other pipe for Fixture should be duly placed in the grooves for better holding.
  • Apply SILAID rubber lubricant on the EPDM rubber ring and inside the
  • Place the pulling arms of the fixture on either side of the appropriate pin
  • Pull the pipes in to the socket till it reaches up to the stopper
  • Remove the fixture and clean extra lubricant from the pipe
  • Ensure that the fitment is secure and the socket is not damaged or open
  • Continue the same process for all socketed pipe joints.
dwc socket

Plain Ended Pipes

  • Fit EPDM rubber rings into the first corrugation of each Make sure that the seal is correctly placed and see that it is not twisted.
  • Clean the pipe ends, socket of the coupler and rubber sealing rings and apply lubricant on the sealing ring placed on the pipe ends and inside of the coupler socket up to the pipe
  • Align the pipe ends and coupler socket, face to face and put the jointing fixture over the pipe end and With the help of fixture, pull the coupler in to the pipe till the pipe reaches to the stopper end.
  • Follow the same procedure for joining of coupler socket to another plain end pipe.
dwc working area
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