


life line logo

Fields of application

Lifeline® C-PVC is designed for hot and cold water supply in residential, commercial and public projects, high and low rise buildings, corporate houses and academic institutes, solar heater applications etc.

supreme pipes

Features And Benefits

  • High quality and wide range – The system consists of pipes and a wide range of fittings with Company manufactured, NSF approved international quality solvent cements, which makes the system complete in all respect.
  • Excellent resistance to corrosion and chemical attacks – Lifeline® is completely free from corrosion and offers excellent resistance to great number of chemicals like strong mineral acids and bases.
  • Most suitable for carrying potable water – Being free from corrosion as also negative biological effects and does not break down even under the harshest water conditions, it does not let the quality of water deteriorates.
  • Light weight, easy and quick assembly – Light weight and simple solvent cement jointing methods results in extensive saving on time, labour and costs.
  • Tough and rigid material – C-PVC has a much higher strength modulus than other thermoplastics used in plumbing applications. Due to its tough and rigid material property, Lifeline® can withstand higher pressure and tempereatures. It requires lesser supports with minimum offsets/looping.
  • Leak proof joints – Jointing with special solvent cement manufactured and supplied by the Company ensures 100% leak proof joints.
  • Low thermal expansion – As co-efficient of thermal expansion is low, expansion due to temperature variations is reduced and hence unsightly snaking of pipes can be avoided.
  • Superior insulation properties Lifeline® has better insulation properties than metal pipes which reduces heat loss and consequent insulation costs.
  • Fire resistance- Lifeline® C-PVC does not support combustion.
  • Maintenance free – Being free from rusting, pitting or scaling and galvanic or electrolytic corrosion, maintenance is minimal.
  • Highly economical in long run – This system is more cost effective than any other plumbing system in the long run.

Pipe dimensions and pressure rating chart as per IS:15778 (CTS series)


Nominal size

Outer diameter (mm)SDR – 9 (company standard)SDR – 11SDR – 13.5
Wall thickness (mm)Working pressure atWall thickness (mm)Working pressure atWall thickness (mm)Working pressure at

Pipe dimensions and pressure rating chart as per ASTM F-441 (IPS series)

Nominal sizeOuter diameter (mm)Schedule 40Schedule 80
Wall thickness (mm)Working pressure atWall thickness (mm)Working pressure at
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